Minton Green - Admin Template
Chia sẻ
Minton là một mẫu quản trị cao cấp đầy đủ tính năng được xây dựng dựa trên Bootstrap 4.5.2 tuyệt vời, công nghệ web hiện đại HTML5, CSS3 và jQuery. Nó có nhiều thành phần sẵn sàng để sử dụng thủ công. Chủ đề hoàn toàn đáp ứng và dễ dàng tùy chỉnh. Mã này siêu dễ hiểu và cung cấp sức mạnh cho bất kỳ nhà phát triển nào để biến chủ đề này thành ứng dụng web thực sự.
What’s new (v5.0.0)?
- Improved: A major refactoring of entire code based. Made it more inline with bootstrap.
- Added: Multiple apps including chat, eCommerce, tasks, etc.
- Updated: All plugins including bootstrap to latest version.
- Improved: All the demos/layouts completely based on css. No need to have different markup.
- Added: Multiple layouts including two-column side menu, detached side menu, etc.
- Removed: All seed & full version for Angular, React, Vue.js, Django and Nodejs.
- Created using Bootstrap v4.5.2
- Easy customization with extensive use of SCSS variables
- Clean and Intuitive Design
- Light & Dark Themes (only css based)
- Fully responsive and works across all modern/supported browsers, devices
- Easy development and tooling with Gulp workflow
- Fully Documented
- Landing Page Included
- Rich form,widgets,validation and wizard
- 120+ Pages
- 500+ UI Components
- 110+ Charts(9 chart library)
- 5+ Built in Apps
- RTL & LTR Support
- Error pages included
- Stylish pricing page
- 12k+ Font Icons
- Sample eCommerce Application (E-Commerce Product, Orders, Customers, Cart, Checkout, Shops Pages)
- Multiple apps including Chat, eCommerce, Tasks, Kanban Board, Calendar, Email, Support Tickets, Contacts, File Manager etc.
Multiple Demos/Layout Options:
6 Pre-built layout options to cater needs of modern web applications. The flexible layout system along with build automation (gulp based build tools), ready-to-use UI elements enable to develop modern web application with great speed.
- All of Bootstrap components
- Icons
- Multiple Widgets
- Toast Notifications
- Chartjs Charts
- Apex Charts
- Nestable List
- Range Slider
- Tour Page
- Selectize, Switchery, Bootstrap MaxLength, Multiple Select, Auto Complete Included
- Select2, Bootstrap-select, Bootstrap Touchspin, Input Mask included
- Flatpickr, Colorpicker, Clock Picker, Bootstrap Datepicker Included
- Bootstrap form wizard
- Image Crop
- Spinner
- Max Length Validator
- Advanced Datatables
- Dragula – Simple Drag and Drop
- Multiple File Uploads
- WYSIWYG Editors (Summernote and Quilljs)
- Google, Mapeal and Vector Maps
- Vertical Layout (With different sidebar themes including light, gradient, dark, brand etc)
- Horizontal Layout
- Detached Sidebar Layout
- Two Column Layout
- Boxed (Fixed width) for all layouts
- Calendar
- Chat
- Ecommerce (Product listing, product detail, Add product, order listing, order detail, shopping cart, checkout, seller listing etc)
- Email (Inbox, Email details page, Compose, Email Templates etc)
- Companies Listing
- Tasks (List Page, Task detail, Kanban Board etc)
- Contacts (Listing and Profile page)
- Support Tickets
- File Manager
- Sample Dashboards
- Profile (Setting, Activity and About)
- Invoice (Print ready)
- FAQs
- Timeline
- Pricing
- Sitemap
- Search Results
- Maintenance
- Coming Soon
- Gallery
- Login (Two variations)
- Register (Two variations)
- Logout (Two variations)
- Recover Password (Two variations)
- Lock Screen (Two variations)
- Confirm Mail (Two variations)
- Sign In – Sign Up (Two variations)
- Error 404 (Three variations)
- Error 500 (Two variations)
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